Single cup coffee machines are starting to become the "thing" and we are happy about that because here at RainyDay Magazine we love our coffee. Some of us even have a machine right in our office.
simplehuman has now added a single cup pod coffee/tea brewer to their line of user-centric home products. The RainyDayKitchen folk, of course, could not wait to get their hands on one!

In the FirstLook review, we'll set up the machine and take a look at all the pieces that makes this machine work.
In the FirstUse review, we'll see just how quick and simple it really is for us humans to make a cup of coffee. We'll then see if we can teach the cat to do it.
1. First Look
2. First Use
3. In The Wild Report
Initial Impression- Stainless & Simple
Usability- 5 or 8 oz, 60 seconds
Durability- test in progress
Price- $130, Free Shipping