The RainyDayKitchen staff hosted the First Grill of the Season event on May 21st. The guests got some first-hand exposure to some new and interesting Summer grilling gear. We have grills from the following vendors:

- Coleman RoadTrip Grill LXE
- Thermos Grill2Go
- Weber OneTouch

These events are also a good chance to try out some new products such as the All-Clad Stainless Steel Wok, the Waterless Cooking System, and the Epicurean wine/champagne preserver.

Some may remember we got in a few fitness scales because we wanted to see if they would be useful in helping us get into Summer Shape. Some of us have been weighing ourselves everyday. Others have walked past the scales as if they were radioactive.

We put them out at the FirstGrill event, and surprisingly quite a few of our guests were willing to try them.
1. FirstGrill Prep
2. Assembling the Coleman
3. Assembling the Thermos
4. FirstGrill Event
5. FirstGrill - The Movie
A freak thunderstorm zipped through with huge gusts of wind and even some hail. Somebody noticed the tent outside had been pulled out of the ground by the wind and had started to take flight! It all added an extra bit of thrill to the if the food and the the grilling weren't exciting enough.

We caught a little bit of the storm after we got the cover of the tent off the frame. |