RainyDayMagazine got a couple of SureFire flashlights in back in May 2005. It has now been over a year. We thought it would be interesting to take a look at how they held up.
The main thing we noticed was they looked almost new! We have not been gentle with these units. They were used, tossed around, dropped, and suffered all manners of mishandling. However, they appeared none the worse for wear.

One of the main reasons why they have held up so well is the coating. The E2E is anodized. The G2 has a full rubber coat. If you look close enough, you can see a little bit of scuffing on the edges of the E2E. There was also a little bit of dirt built-up in the crevices (red arrow).

The G2 did not see as much actual use, but it was out in the field more than the E2E. We placed the G2 in our Boxster. For over a year now it bounced around in the car. The G2 was picked because we knew things tend to knock together in the glove compartment.

The rubber coating on the G2 both protected the flashlight and kept the noise down when it bumped around...we all know how disconcerting it can be to hear strange metallic sounds when driving:-)

Both of these SureFire flashlights are still as bright as they were a year ago. The G2 stays mostly in the Boxster. The E2E goes out into the field with whomever feels the need to carry it. The lithium batteries show no sign of decrease power (left: E2E, center: G2, right: D2U-new) after a year.

All in all, we have found these SureFire flashlights to be extremely dependable and very very durable. They are more expensive than your typical flashlight, but we think for the quality and the amazingly bright light...it is well worth the extra money.