We here at RainyDayMagazine are HUGE fans of the CBS TV show CSI. In the show, they always have some really cool centrifuge, DNA sequencer, or HPLC chromatography machine that they use to help with their sample analysis.
They also use the ubiquitous light microscope for examining their evidence... but, why? They should share what they are looking at by digitizing the output to some kind of display!
At RainyDayMagazine's new Forensics Lab (...no we don't really have one), we came into the possession of the latest version of the QX series of Digital Microscopes, the QX5.

In this FirstLook review, we'll show you what came in the box. In the FirstUse review, we'll install the software and put some stuff on the stage and see if we can get a closer look!
1. First Look
2. First Use
3. In The Wild Report
Initial Impression- Techie & Fun!
Usability- Simple/Powerful
Durability- Test in progress
Price- $100
1. 10x Eagle head
2. 60x Eagle head
3. 200x Nostril
4. 200x Eye
5. 10x Catepillar
6. 60x Spider leg
7. Spider Movie