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Gear & Gadgets...





E815 VCAST Cell Phone

By Wan Chi Lau

Verizon announced this new phone from Motorola a while back.  For some reason, Verizon pulled it from their website shortly after announcing it. Now it's back...no real reasons why.

In the FirstLook we give you a quick overview of the buttons and features.  We also show some samples of digital photos taken with this phone.

Since this phone is the first one we've tested with Verizon's new VCAST capabilities, we also share our impressions of this video-on-demand feature.

In the FirstUse review, we will talk about the other multimedia capabilities of the Motorola E815.  We will also show some samples of the quality of the videos taken with the E815.


1. FirstLook

2. FirstUse

3. InTheWild


Review Summary:

Initial Impression- VCAST!

Usability- Good camera

Durability- Test in progress

Price- Free to $300 depending on your plan


Image/Video Samples:

Images - 640x480 Resolution

Video - Clip 1, Clip 2



Videos by Wan Chi Lau
Rainy Day Magazine is a Publication of Rainy Day Entertainment Group © 2004