Most devices with removeable memory cards will usually supply a cable to connect the device to the computer so data can be transferred.
The problem is the transfer is usually slow and specific drivers are needed so the computer can communicate with the device.
One solution to the problem is to skip the step of connecting the device to the computer all together. Just pop out the memory card, put it into a card reader, and transfer the data directly to the computer. When different formats started to sprout in the marketplace, some enterprising companies started making readers that will read all these formats.

These multiformat card readers have been around for some time now. Most of them do a fine job of getting the data off the card and into you computer.
Digital Foci's reader is no exception. It is small, great looking, well constructed, and simple to hook up.
1. FirstLook
2. FirstUse
3. InTheWild
Initial Impression- Tiny!
Usability- Plug & Play
Durability- Test in progress
1. SanDisk Transflash
2. MultiFormat Card Case
3. Motorola E815 Cell phone