When we at RainyDayMagazine go on the road, we always take care when accessing the web on public machines. We never access financial or other sensitive accounts on machine we don't know or trust, only use email accounts which can be discarded if compromised, and generally follow common sense procedures.
Since WiFi hotspots are now everywhere, surfing from one's own laptops can give a false sense of security. Using your own laptop does NOT mean you are safe. You must take proper identity-theft precautions when you are "out there" zooming around.

The folks at Stealth Ideas, Inc. had a good idea. Why not take some of the bulletproof open source software, add some data encryption, and put the entire bundle on a USB key? That way, a user can plug it into any computer, surf safely, and leave no trace...
In the FirstLook review, we'll show you the physical device. In the FirstUse review, we'll see if it lives up to its name.
1. FirstLook
2. FirstUse
Initial Impression- Stealthily small
Usability- Plug-N-Play but PC only
Price- $99 for 128MB