The JBL On Tour package came supplied with a universal AC adapter and an audio cable. The audio cable has the standard mini-jack on both ends. This cable will work with all of the iPods and most of the MP3/CD/DVD players on the market. If you audio source has a different audio out, you should be able to pick up an adapter at your local Radio Shack.

The design of the OnTour unit is clean and simple. There are two LED indicator lights (amber, green) and two volume buttons (+, -). The amber LED will flash when the batteries need replacing. The green LED comes on when there is power. It will flash if there is no input signal.

The unit can be powered by 4 AAA batteries or with the supplied AC power adapter. The protective bag was large enough to carry the cable and the speakers. The 4 AAA batteries is suppose to be enough for about 24 hours of play at normal to high volume.

The unit will automatically power off when the cover is closed. Pushing both the Vol Up/Down buttons at the same time or removing the input signal will also power off the unit.

The protective cover slides out and converts to a stand when in the open position. This also angles the speakers and allow the cables to run under the unit.

The touch volume controls are self explanatory. The green LED will glow steady if there is a signal. The unit also will remember you last setting even when powered off.

We noticed a small opening when we looked under the sliding cover. We are not positive but we are willing to bet this opening is the reason why the unit has a much richer bass response than one would expect for something this size.
NOTE: The OnTour will also make a fine external speaker for you laptop. So if your portable projector or laptop does not have good sound, consider adding an OnTour as part of your portable presentation system.