The OtterBox cases are strong, water-tight, and CLEAR. It makes for a much easier time in the security line. Should we need to check the items, we know the boxes can take a beating when our bags are being tossed around by the luggage handlers.

The 3500 is perfect for a DV camcorder. It is large enough to hold our Canon and all its accessories (charger, 2 batteries, AC cord, 2 DV tapes, battery adapter).
One way to make packing easier is to have a fully stocked travel pouch. In our pouch are things such as an extra pair of contact lens, a couple of CF cards, toothpaste, etc... Having a stocked pouch makes it much easier to just "grab and go" for those last minute trips.

We have been reworking this carry-on pouch, but have not fully decided whether it is worth putting everything in a clear case (9000). We are trying a few different possibilities. The 9000 will certainly do the job, but it may be a bit excessive :-) One thing we know for certain...the toothpaste and shampoo will definitely NOT get on anything outside the box.

For smaller items such as cell phones, iPods, and digital cameras, the 1000 is the perfect size. Both the RAZR and the Nano will fit just fine inside the 1000.

All of the Otter boxes may be secured with a standard luggage lock. Some of the cable locks may fit better than the ones we are using here.
Of course, there are things which does not require the protection of an OtterBox, but still it would be convenient to put in a clear box. For those things, we find there are plenty of alternatives which are probably already in your desk or bathroom cabinet.

Things like the clear plastic case that came with the WiFi card, the clear tradeshow badge holder, or the clear plastic Qtips box. All of these are perfect for containing the small carry-on items which must go through the security line.

A used Q-tips case is just right for holding those things which you might want with you on the plane (contact lens case, aspirin, ear plugs, etc...) The plastic box for the WiFi card is perfect as a clear wallet for the driver's license, some cash, and a few business or credit cards.

Some of the larger tradeshow badge holders are great as a passport/ID holder as they often already have a built-in neck strap.
If you have tips of your own, share them, and lets see if we can make air travel easier for everyone. We'll give you the credit...and if it is REALLY good, we might even see about sending you a little something for your efforts :-) Have a great trip!