April 23, 2006 (Day29)

Today we havested one entire plant to see how well it will grow back.
April 24, 2006 (Day30)

We were in a rush today and decided to harvest some more of the lettuce to use as part of a salad for a quick dinner at the office. We'll keep a close eye on the growth for the next few days to see what will happen.
April 25, 2006 (Day31)
Apparently we have been a bit "too aggressive" in harvesting our lettuce crops...which, in hindsight, should have been obvious! The instructions in the booklet clearly states to NOT remove more than 1/3 of the leaves from a plant at any given time!!!

Although there are new growth in the harvested plants, it would be a while before the leaves get sufficiently large for eating. The small leaves are also much further away from the light at this point. We'll have to tell everyone to harvest using the new method for the remaining plants :-)
April 30, 2006 (Day36)

Some of the harvested heads have regrown their leaves...including the ones where we a bit too "aggressive" with the cutting :-)
May 17, 2006 (Day53)

This update is for our reader Tanya! We have been harvesting the leaves from all of the heads evenly...instead of just lopping them off like we did a few weeks back. This is "kinder" to the lettuce and made the plants' growth a lot more even.
We'll have one more update to show the final root ball and the cleaning of the AeroGarden. The rest of this crop will be harvested in another week or so. The AeroGarden will be replanted using the herb pods. We'll do the exact same "tracking" for the herb garden. |