There was a time when we got by just fine knowing whether it was winter, spring, summer, or fall.
Somebody decided that was not precise enough and invented better ways to track the passing of time. Now everybody is late, running late, or was on time but had to wait because the other party is late.
The invention of the wristwatch helped a lot. It let us know how late we were and how much later it will be before we'll get there.
It also helped launch an entire industry whose sole purpose was to create things to tell us how late we were. One of the problem with wristwatches is some people don't like them... not because they don't like watches just that they don't like things on their wrists.

The folks at Vessel sent us a couple of these Tempo Time Tags. They don't go on the wrist :-)
Any body want to buy a wristwatch?
Initial Impression- Elegant/Functional
Usability- Simple
Durability- Test in progress
Price- 2 for $18