The site was a drizzly Boston Common where an attempt was being made to break the Guinness World Record for most lit pumpkins (that would be 28,952 jack o' lanterns) while raising money for worthy causes (CampSunshine and LifeIsGood).
We also found a nifty product for those of you looking to fuse your own jack o' lantern with a little technology, the Rainbow Pumpkin Light, the safer more colorful way to make that pumpkin shine. Its 3 primary color LED's (blue, green, red) in a 3.5 inch hockey puck size case. With 3 AAA batteries the LED's continually cycle through a rainbow of 7 different colors. Its a very nifty effect when you put it inside a carved pumpkin. If you order today they offer a 2-3 business day guaranteed delivery in the US.

RainyDayMagazine did our part to carve out a record. Then we bid a tearful farewell to our Jack at the registration desk. They had a ways to go as dusk started to settle on the common.

We noticed some of the adventure products we've reviewed were
represented at the event... Keen Footwear!
We returned two hours later and things were all lit up.

Of course we also recommend catching "Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" airing nationally on Tuesday, October 25th at 8PM EST OR if you want to make sure you never have to miss this Halloween Classic, order it and other great Halloween DVD's at
Amazon . For those who don't believe the Great Pumpkin is capable of landing in your neighborhood we have this final shot:

Happy Halloween from all of us at RainyDayMagazine!!!! |