The yoga arm balance, crow, has been evading you a long time. But today, the stars have aligned. As you place your hands down on your mat, you feel centered and strong. You tighten your core, lift you legs, and you are soaring in the most perfect arm balance you have ever attempted. You are a vision and you think, all is right with the world. Then suddenly your hand slips. A slippery mat defeats you, and your perfect crow is no more.

Well, Yogitoes has found the solution, The Yogitoes Skidless Towel. This towel is placed under your hands and small “grippers” hold it in place to dash any fears of slipping. I was hooked with my first use. Being a girl who sweats, no “glistening” or “glowing” for me, wet mats have been a problem. With the skidless towel, I felt very secure in my hand placement for every down dog, chataranga, and arm balance.

For this review, I used the small size towel. While it did bunch up slightly towards the end of class, I expect the full mat-size skidless to not have this problem. I was easily able to carry the skidless product along with my yoga mat and towel to class, finding it very portable. And after class the cleanup with disinfectant spray was effortless, the Yogitoes shiny and ready for its next use. Overall, I found the Yogitoes skidless towel to be a welcome addition to my yoga experience. It fully allowed me to concentrate on the moment, finding my center, not my towel position. |