The machine was a breeze to set up and even easier to use. The sample pack came with quite a collection of different coffees, teas, and toppings. The hardest part was for folks here to decided what they want to try first :-)

The central column adjusts with the push of a button to fit different size cups. The brewing is done by pumping water through the filter pack and the content goes directly into the cup.

This has the advantage in that no cleaning is needed and there is no "carry-over" of flavors from one brew to the next. We are almost done sampling the various flavors...write-up of the Flavia Fusion Drinks Station flavors will happen as soon as we are done with the last cup. Click on any of the images to get a closer look and this stylish machine for the kitchen. If you want a Flavia Fusion for the office, check out the S350 and SB100.