June 9,2006...

We hadn't checked on them for a while...they got BIG :-) We could only see three, but there may be another one on the other side. It is getting a bit tight in there. Our guess is a few more days and everybody will be out on their own.
May 26,2006...

Looks like all five of the new hatchlings are doing well. They are NOT AT ALL cute at this stage. We waited until they were fed and have gone back to their afternoon nap before we ventured up to see them. All five were exhausted from their feeding and were snoring loudly...not really :-)
May 24,2006...

We noticed that Mother Finch was standing up and fussing with the nest so we climbed up and took some shots...much to her annoyance.

Three of the eggs hatched either yesterday or the day before. They are not moving around much and it is still pretty difficult to make out any features...but I'm sure they will be chirping soon!
May 19,2006...
It looks like the eggs have not yet hatched...any day now???

May 15,2006...
The rain stopped briefly this morning and we heard the finches at the front entrance making a ruckus. A few of us decided to see what all the noise was about.

Apparently, the office cat, was on the railing looking up at the nest...and that was too close for Papa Finch. We got out the ladder and climbed up to see if the finches are about to be proud parents for the second time. The answer is "Yes!"
May 7,2006...
The last finch finally made it out of the nest today. The proud parents are still hanging around. We were wondering if they may give it another go! Stay tuned.
May 6,2006...

With mom on the rail encouraging the kids to "take off", the little guys are seriously considering the advise...especially since there is the scary guy with the tripod and camera that appears out of nowhere every once in awhile. One of the chicks was not camera shy and poses for the camera...

Then there were two...and one of them is half way out of the cage!
May 5,2006...

Today two of the baby finches took flight. We may have encouraged it a bit when we climbed up in our attempt to get a closer shot. In any case, the left one has now officially "flown the coop". The remaining four finches will probably be gone by the weekend.
May 4, 2006....

It is now Week Three. They look like they are almost ready to take a test flight. We have not seen them stretch their wings yet, but it is getting pretty crowded in there!
April 28,2006....

Looks like the finches are back and have successfully hatched another generation of these little chirpers. We managed to get some videos of them this year.

2005: Click HERE