In order to make a good cup of tea, the water must be fresh, its temperature must be correct, and the quality of the leave must be high. Up until now, most tea lovers use the familiar "tea balls" to steep the loose leaves for that perfect cup.
To help make brewing that perfect cup easier, gamila has designed a utensil called the Teastick. The concept is elegantly simple and beautifully executed.
The Teastick was made from high quality stainless steel and should last for a long time.

The Teastick is simple to use. Just slide the sleeve back, scoop up the loose tea leaves , place the Teastick into a cup, and pour in the hot water. Steep until ready...and enjoy!

The Teastick can also be used as a stirrer if you like to add milk or sugar to your tea. To discard the used tea leaves, slide the sleeve back and empty.

We love this new addition to the RainyDayKitchen. If you are a tea lover...get one. We are sure you will love it too. If you know a tea lover, get one for them and earn yourself some MAJOR points :-) |