There are a LOT of different cleaners on the market. Most of them work just fine...fights grease, reasonably priced, easily available. So how does a new company break into this market? What can they possibly offer that could wrestle away customers from the more established brand?
How about by offering something that looks great, smells nice, doesn't harm the environment, AND works amazingly well? They could also give it away for free... but then they would only be in business for a month :-) So instead, they priced it at around $4!

The first item we tried was the method dish soap. The first thing we noticed was the bottle had a cleverly designed dispenser (thank you Eric Ryan) that gave us what we needed with just a squeeze. The squeezing action pushed the dispenser out, letting out the desired amount of soap, and retracted to shut off the flow. One hand action, clean dishes, no mess on the counter... what more do you want? How about a nice minty smell and softer hands? Yeah, it did that too.
Adam Lowry, one of the owners, was a chemical engineer from Stanford. Knowing about chemistry is much better than just playing a chemist on least if you are going to design cleaning products.
The folks at method must have had a great time coming up with all the different hand washes... 9 different scents in all. The hand wash worked on all kinds of dirt and grime we managed to get our hands on, whether it be from in the RainyDayKitchen, out in the RainyDayGarage or RainyDayGarden! The hands got clean and the nose got a break :-)

The last thing we tried were the all purpose cleaners (grapefruit and french lavender). We used it on EVERYTHING... the grease on the door of the microwave oven, stove, glass windows, cabinet doors, tile floors, etc.
We loved the quick greasy cutting action of all the method cleaners and soaps. We loved the "no rinse" formulation and the great smells! And we absolutely LOVED the packaging :-) All the bottles were made with highly recyclable material... we hope the plastic come back in their next life as something just as well designed. |